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Palm Beach Screen Door Repair

Screen Door Repair

Patioscreenpro Will Help You To Fix Your Sliding Screen Door or windows screen and save you money in replacing them.[contact-form-7 id=”616″ title=”Contact Page Form”]

replacement screen materials and gather necessary tools.

The next stop was the hardware store, where I found a somewhat daunting array of materials and supplies. There are basically two types of replacement screen material—wire and fiberglass. Both are sold in rolls and offered in either black, white, or charcoal shades.

Trim away excess screen material and re-install the door in the frame.

Once I had the spline and screen in place on all four sides, I used the convex end of the spline roller to firmly push everything into place and, using the utility knife, I trimmed the excess screen material. I replaced the screen door on the frame and sat down with a cool iced tea to enjoy the fresh spring breezes.